Putting our clients on the winning side of economics.

Our clients
Our clients
JDA conducts economic analysis for a wide range of clients including industry trade associations and Fortune 500 companies. Our economists have testified before legislative bodies, met with regulators and served as expert witnesses in legal disputes.
Our clients include Corporations
- Altria
- Anheuser-Busch
- Ascend Elements
- CenturyLink
- Constellation
- Diageo North America
- Feld Entertainment
- Fowler Packing Company
- Heineken
- Lixil Corporation
- MolsonCoors
- Nemak
- New York Jets
- New York Yankees
- NPX One
- Realty Enterprises
- Reynolds American, Inc.
- Sysco/FreshPoint
- Verizon Wireless
- Wakefern
- Wegman’s Stores
Trade Associations, Coalitions and Non-Profits
- American Clinical Laboratory Association
- American Bakers Association
- American Beverage Association
- American Beverage Licensees
- American Bus Association
- American Craft Spirits Association
- American Fair Credit Council
- American Forest and Paper Association
- American Foundry Society
- American Iron and Steel Institute
- American Massage Therapy Association
- American Tort Reform Association
- American Traffic Solutions
- Ameripen
- Associated Builder and Contractors of CA
- Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
- Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities
- Auto Care Association
- Auto Alliance
- Beer Institute
- Best Friends Animal Society
- Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc.
- Business Council of New York
- California Association of Winegrape Growers
- California Gaming Association
- California Metals Coalition
- Can Manufacturers Institute
- Canned Food Alliance
- Center for Responsible Nutrition
- Cigar Association of America
- Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food
- Connecticut Food Association
- Copper Development Association
- Corn Refiners Association
- CTIA – The Wireless Association
- Foodservice Packaging Institute
- Fuels America
- Goodstone – Feeding the Economy
- Grassroots Institute of Hawaii
- Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Alliance
- International Bottled Water Association
- International Dairy Foods Association
- International Safety Equipment Association
- Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.
- Loan Syndications and Trading Association
- Main Street Growth & Opportunity Coalition
- Maryland Retailers Association
- Metals Service Center Industry
- Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council
- Moving and Storage Conference
- National Automatic Merchandising Association
- National Association of Chemical Distributors
- National Association of Convenience Stores
- National Association of Tobacco Outlets
- National Beer Wholesalers Association
- National Chicken Council
- National Confectioners Association
- National Grocers Association
- National Marine Manufacturers Association
- National Shooting Sports Association
- National Turkey Federation
- New Jersey Food Council
- New York Alliance of Fine Wine Wholesalers
- New York Cider Association
- New York State Brewers Association
- New York State Distillers Guild
- New York Wine and Grape Foundation
- North American Meat Institute
- Ohio Grape Industries Committee
- Pennsylvania Winery Association
- Police Benevolent Association of New York
- Plumbing Manufacturers International
- Recreational Vehicle Industry Association
- Retail Industry Leaders Association
- Specialty Equipment Market Association
- Teach NYS
- The Aluminum Association
- The Center for Multicultural Science
- The Fertilizer Institute
- The Food Industry Association
- The Presidents’ Forum of the Distilled Spirits Industry
- Toy Industry Association
- U.S. Egg Producers
- U.S. Forage Export Council
- U.S. Poultry & Egg Association
- U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association
- U.S. Oil & Gas Association
- Vapor Technology Association
- Western Energy Alliance
- WineAmerica
- Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America
- Wine Institute
- Macquarie Capital USA
- Non Profit Finance Fund
- Pamplona Capital
- Penrose Capital
- TPG Capital
- Twain Financial
- Wellspring Capital
- Management
Law Firms
- Bingham, Greenebaum, Doll
- Flaherty & O’Hara
- Fowler, White, Burnett
- Royston, Mueller, McLean & Reid, LLP
- von Briesen & Roper
- Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker
Political Campaigns and Consultants
- Floridian Partners
- Linda McMahon for Senate 2012
- Perry for President 2012
- Primary Strategies
- Steve Forbes’ Flat Tax Initiative
- The Advance Group

In 30 seconds you can walk into a legislator’s or regulator’s office and demonstrate your company’s, industry’s, trade association’s, or non-profit’s economic impact on smart phone or tablet.
At JDA we develop and tell stories about our clients’ industries, and we support those stories with economic data. For more information click the button below and download a copy of our brochure today.